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Main Content
The Department of Medicine has a long-standing history in research and an impressive record of research achievements. Many of our faculty are internationally recognized for their studies and have won numerous national and international awards. Our NIH-funded research budget exceeds $10.3 million and continues to grow. Indeed, several junior faculty have received new NIH, VA and national organization funding in the past two years and are on active research career development pathways.
With the growth in both size and complexity of our research programs, we are establishing and will continue to develop various cores and shared facilities necessary for large-scale multidisciplinary translational research — research projects that translate discoveries at the benchside to novel therapies at the bedside and the return with identification of new biomarkers to track their effectiveness in specific patient subpopulations.
As our research programs develop and expand, we will continue to focus on training tomorrow’s physician-scientists. From their very first day, many of our postgraduate trainees begin working on innovative research projects in the lab, at the clinic and/or in the community. An innovative mentoring program for research training, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, is actively being developed and will provide research training opportunities for trainees and faculty alike who desire a career in research, both clinical trials and translational studies.
We encourage you to explore the many research opportunities and outstanding research groups in our department.
Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., MD, PhD, FACP
Vice Chair for Research
Department of Medicine
Welcome From Our Vice Chair for Research
The goals of the Department of Medicine’s Departmental Research Office (DRO) include promoting biomedical discovery in all sub disciplines of internal medicine among existing basic and clinical faculty and training future physicians and basic scientists to carry on this life-saving mission of discovery.
With the growth in both size and complexity of our research programs, we are establishing and will continue to develop various cores and shared facilities necessary for large-scale multidisciplinary translational research — research projects that translate discoveries at the benchside to novel therapies at the bedside and the return with identification of new biomarkers to track their effectiveness in specific patient subpopulations.
As our research programs develop and expand, we will continue to focus on training tomorrow’s physician-scientists. From their very first day, many of our postgraduate trainees begin working on innovative research projects in the lab, at the clinic and/or in the community. An innovative mentoring program for research training, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, is actively being developed and will provide research training opportunities for trainees and faculty alike who desire a career in research, both clinical trials and translational studies.
We encourage you to explore the many research opportunities and outstanding research groups in our department.
Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., MD, PhD, FACP
Vice Chair for Research
Department of Medicine